A Stroll Through the Environments

Before we start our stroll, let me say a little about orange juicing. The children have loved it! Thanks to all families who donated oranges. Each time a student wants to squeeze orange juice they take one half of an orange and juice it – not with a fancy electric juicer, but with an old-fashioned manual juicer that has a strainer. The juice is caught in a plastic cup with a spout. The juice is then poured into a paper cup & consumed. The reamer/strainer is then rinsed and replaced on the plastic cup and the work is ready for the next child. We’ve had so many oranges that a pretty glass plate is set out each day with half-slices of oranges on it. The child takes a napkin, uses a cocktail fork  to serve themselves and eats several slices. We have, all, had plenty of vitamin C in the past few weeks!

Practical Life works currently include transfering green and clear beads into small glass bowls with tweezers; transfering various sizes of green pom poms into an ice cube tray using chop sticks; using sugar cube tongs to move wooden beads; parquetry blocks used to recreate designs and many lacing works. Mrs. Etzwiler also put out a  cloths-pinning work for the children to hang shamrocks on the cloths line. There is dry pouring 1:3 and 1:5 and wet pouring 1:3.

Language area continues to have alphabet puzzles, several musical instrument matching works, nomenclature and identifying musical instruments.  There are also two works of singular and plural, where the word is pluralized by adding “s.”  A new work has been presented with onsets and rimes; word-building; moveable alphabet and many other reading works.

Sensorial has a new work, an extension really, to the geometric cabinet.

In Science, the children are learning about the solar system and dinosaurs.

The Math shelves have many green coloured counters for the counting works. We are also learning about coins – just naming/sorting/stamping them right now, but counting them and understanding equivalents very soon.

In Geography, we are wrapping up the continent of Africa (Europe is next.) We observed Ohio’s birthday early this month and are delving more deeply into Ohio’s bird, flower, gemstone, animal, insect, beverage, fossil…

All this, while having fun! Music Play is going well and the morning students are enjoying Kung Fu for Character Building.  This next week, on Monday, we welcome the parents of morning students to come and see how their child spends part of their morning. On Wednesday, the afternoon parents will spend some time at school. We welcome each of you and thank you for sharing your child with us!