Higher Education for Little Learners

Montessori students are free to move about the classroom, talk to other children, work with any equipment he or she understands or to ask the teacher to introduce new materials to him or her.

The Montessori philosophy recognizes that there are specific areas that are most beneficial to a child’s development.

  • practicallife Practical Life allows students to cultivate care & respect of yourself, your environment and others.
  • sensorial Sensorial lets students develop senses by matching and comparing textures, smells tastes, colors and shapes
  • math Math uses hands-on experiences to teach concepts, from concrete to abstract
  • language Language lets students progress from pre-reading to initial reading by using phonetic materials
  • Other areas include art, science, geography and music.

Through focusing on these areas, the Montessori philosphy feeds and encourages your child’s thirst for learning.